Bianca. Student blogger. This is my blog for my IGCSE subject Global Perspectives. This contains my reasearch on topics about the latest global issues that affect our world today.
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Maladonia and Ceynan tie the knot

After years of deep territorial animosity, Maladonia and Ceynan finally put aside their guns of destruction and unite as great allies. The 45 year dispute over the ownership of the border strip Paverlo has finally come to an end.
Paverlo situated between the borders of the two great empires finally found its home in not one, but both the countries. Maladonia’s, Secretary of Defense, Everdeen stated “Officials finally agreed that Paverlo doesn’t only have to be for one country but rather an enclave of both the nations.”
The strip that belonged to Ceynan territorial-wise but to Maladonia religiously has been finally and officially landed a place in the world map. “Fast times call for drastic changes, even if this means compensating religious beliefs. We must put aside our differences and put forth peace to protect our citizens, even if these means learning to accept the beliefs of the other”, President Snow of Maladonia declares in a state press yesterday.
The agreement took place in the heart of Paverlo; Heavy altirially were temporarily put aside to cautiously welcome both senate and parliament members of both the nations. The 6 hour long meeting between both great leaders resulted to a written and signed agreement, now known as the Treaty of Paverlo.
President Snow, who was the man behind the idea of the peace treaty, admitted in an interview that it wasn’t at all easy to prove his intentions to be clean. “I was very nervous. Keeping in mind how my people would react to this decision, the need to coax them, the fear of having the senate go against me, the fear that President Plutarch would find my proposal be deceiving – it was too much of a risk…”, President Snow says just as President Plutarch chimes in, “But it had to be taken. And look at where it has taken us now? Both our nations won’t be guilty of anymore bloodshed, peace has found its way into the hearts of two great countries that are now also great allies – this is everything we could only possibly dream about decades ago.”
Unlike what both Presidents feared (the disputes over the religious belief, the fight for land), their people accepted and gave them their blessings to the agreement. “The people are tired. They don’t want anymore of this because ultimately and indirectly they are also paying for the wars in forms of taxes,” Public Representative Mellark of Ceynan stated. “They have now moved on from the phase of greediness to a phase of finding middle-ground. The people accept this just so long as immediate confrontation with the Maladonians because it is still fresh and settling into their mindsets.”
Further discussions regarding trade and aid, law and criminality, employment for both the countries are yet to be made as both parties aim to provide a helping hand to their newly found strong ally.
As the final tanks and military forces are being pulled out, Paverlo is now slowly being reconstructed to be one beautiful city where in citizens of Maladonia and Ceynan could meet, trade and commemorate such a wonderful day for both the empires and the world as it is.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
LAW AND CRIMINALITY - The Laws of the Philippines
Internationally there are laws that apply to countries all over the world but focusing on a National Perspective there quite a number of laws that only exist in one particular country. We would take for example, the tropical country of the Philippines, situated in Asia in the Pacific.
· Anti-planking Act of 2011 has been passed in the Philippines. In which citizens are not allowed to plank in places where they are endangering other citizens. However it is okay if they are only endangering themselves.
Although some of these laws maybe viewed as unnecessary or daft, it is still very important and strictly followed in the Philippines.
· It is against the law to be cremated with a living creature/human with you.
· A girl must avert her eyes when speaking to her father.
· There is the Republic Act 7279 or the Urban Development and Housing Act which was authored that trespassers who disregard property rights cannot be made to move out and their illegal structures cannot be demolished without the landowner finding a relocation site for them and paying them first.
· Based on the number on a car’s license plate, it is restricted to drive on the roads on certain days of the week. To be able to drive every day, you must own 4 cars.

· A groom must arrive one hour earlier than the bride to the church where they are marrying.
· A fine of 150 pesos would be issued if a person drives without a spare tire.
· In universities, if the teacher is 15 minutes late, students are free to leave the school and are free for the rest of the day.
· There is no divorce in the Philippines but only an annulment.
· A district must follow the levels of air quality as per stated by the Air Quality Management. If the district fails to do so, the mayor may be overthrown.
· A restraining order can be put on ANYONE, whatever the reason may be.
Although some of these laws maybe viewed as unnecessary or daft, it is still very important and strictly followed in the Philippines.
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