Human gestures
Hand or body gestures are used to express meaning, emotions or to communicate through movement of body parts. These could be learned through observation of others and in most times, these would be instilled in us subconsciously. You wouldn't even know but slowly and slowly you might start to do gestures you see other people do.
Interestingly, gestures differ from country to country. Sometimes the same gesture could have a whole different meaning between countries.
Here are a set of gestures present within the Filipinos today:
"It's over there." |
This gesture is used when pointing at someone, pointing at something or directing someone in what direction to go. The filipinos do not use their fingers to point but rather their lips.
"Ohh! Ohh! It's you! Hello!" |
This gesture is used when seeing someone you know in a place where you don't expect to see them. This is usually to say Hello or that you acknowledge their presence but do not really intend to have a conversation. This could also be used if the person is at a distance and you cannot say hello closely. This is usually returned by the receiver and is followed by the casual "walk away".
"Ohh. Ew. No. Not my type." |
This gesture is usually used to portray dislike about something or someone. It can also be openly displayed with the subject in sight.
"What?" |
This gesture is used to say What without actually saying the word.
"Stop talking. You're irritating me." |
This gesture is used when someone is speaking to you, and you do not really want to hear anything they want to say. It's a sort of mockery to the person.
"Cross my heart." |
This gesture is used when saying a promise to someone and saying that you would never break it by interlocking both the index fingers and holding it against your heart.
"Let's eat." |
A gesture used to invite or tell others that you want to eat.
This gesture doesn't really say anything, but rather it is a show of respect to elders. Usually done to parents or adults by their children or any younger people.
"I'll punch you!" |
This gesture is used to taunt/scare/threaten people. This is usually used with no intent to actually punch the person.
"Come here." |
This gesture is used to beckon to someone from a distance without having to yell. Usually done just once or twice.