Thursday 8 December 2011

Crimes and Consequences

It is known that committing a crime in our world today would equal to a consequence. It defeats our moral codes and values that play too big of a role in our lives to be simply ignored. These morals have been inculcated, learned and somehow embedded in our minds, from a young age and stays with us all throughout our lifetime. This way we develop a positive fear and consciousness that certain things cannot be done. This keeps us grounded to the things that help keep justice and peace in our world today.

That aside, we all must admit that, even with knowing all these laws, rules and moral values, we all at one point of our lives tend to consciously ignore them. Most times we may bend the rules, sometimes we break them. Either way, we still do it consciously and perfectly aware of the consequences it might put as in.


When have you broken the law?
Why did you choose to break it?
What did you feel would have happened if you hadn't broken it?
Would it have helped your situation?

Express yourself.