Thursday 8 December 2011

Crimes and Consequences

It is known that committing a crime in our world today would equal to a consequence. It defeats our moral codes and values that play too big of a role in our lives to be simply ignored. These morals have been inculcated, learned and somehow embedded in our minds, from a young age and stays with us all throughout our lifetime. This way we develop a positive fear and consciousness that certain things cannot be done. This keeps us grounded to the things that help keep justice and peace in our world today.

That aside, we all must admit that, even with knowing all these laws, rules and moral values, we all at one point of our lives tend to consciously ignore them. Most times we may bend the rules, sometimes we break them. Either way, we still do it consciously and perfectly aware of the consequences it might put as in.


When have you broken the law?
Why did you choose to break it?
What did you feel would have happened if you hadn't broken it?
Would it have helped your situation?

Express yourself. 


  1. i did underage drinking...i think i would have probably got fined or the person who gave me would have gotten into trouble! i chose to break it because i was curious what alcohol tasted like so yea :P

  2. i have done too many illegal stuff to be honest and i guess life is just about trying new things and if you get caught, well then maybe its a sign that you should stop or be a little more discreet next time.
    life is too short and no one has the right to have control over us.

  3. underage drinking which is one of the vastly committed crimes. i think everyone deserves to get away from the real world for a change, life isnt fair for anyone so i guess we need a little something every once in a while to cheer us up you know? but i must agree that yes, there is a limit to what you do because if you keep doing, it will become a habit and effect your future, the people around you and yourself.

  4. I once stole some money to buy something i wanted when i was a kid.
    i stole it cause i really that particuliar item from the shop.
    i felt messed up abt stealing the money from my dad.
    and i wouldnt have helped the situation.

  5. Just like others, I've had a few rebellious moments. It's part of being juvenile, part of life. One being vandalising my school wall and tables. To 2 graders, it was a HUGE deal. So my friends labelled me as a rebel. Some even threatened to tell the teacher but what did I care. I felt cool.

    This feeling didn't last very long as I found myself watching an episode of Cops & Crimes (or something along those lines) soon after that incident. I started crying - cried because my so-called rebellious act wasn't at all 'cool'. It was foolish, immoral, downright wrong, and had brutal consequences.

    As much as I want to say everyone deserves a little freedom from constrictions we know as rules and laws, I strongly believe otherwise. Truth be told, freedom itself is the reason why our world is in such chaos - nobody knows their limits.

  6. I cheated there i said it ;)
    but i felt guilty but its good that i did cheat in yr 3 because if i didnt i might have never taken an oat that was 'i will never cheat in my life' so i guess ...once u do a crime you learn from it and that way in life you learn the consequences but of course crime should be avoided :)

  7. Cheated on exams..
    So that I pass my exam.
    Well I would feel that I would have been in the same grade that I was in.
    It did help ,I passed.

  8. Once a friend of mine stole money from my bag in school... and i didn't want to point her out cuz i didn't want to end our friendship so the next day i visited her house for working on a project and i stole money from her cupboard while she was down stairs. I did this just to get revenge. :)

  9. I went into a PG13 movie. . When I was 11.
    Now I'm 16 . . I go to PG18 movies.

  10. Did a lot stupid stuff, i.e., drinking & joined a sorority during my teen years, crime enough to be called as far as my age was concerned, i regret doing all those as i know my parents wouldn't have been amazed with it...I did it out of peer pressure, neither do i blame them though. That didn't bring me benefit at all i realize and would have even got a sharper memory if hadn't done it at all. That sorority thing is beneficial but the initiation i had to go through is somewhat unacceptable to any parents with some minds in this world.
    I dont say i regret doing all that i have, because it has made me who i am today. But i do say that ive learned immensly on this.

  11. How do you define 'crimes', Bianca Buena? Is crime the act of breaking official laws and having severe consequences such as fines\imprisonment or is crime the act of going against moral values such as being disrespectful to individuals due to personal reasons? If the latter, does 'lying to my mum' pass as a crime?

  12. Moreover, if a child of 7 years of age or below, commits a crime, should the child be punished or should the parents be punished for not educating their child? How about children above the age of 7 then?
